Monday, November 21, 2005

Ode to the Vag....New Profile Pic

I added a profile picture. It's a print done by Georgia O'Keeffe whose work I enjoy. This print is a perfect example of why I like her art. It looks like a vagina. Yes, I said it, "vagina," say it with me people. It's erotic and I'm drawn to it. You could put this print in your office and in fact, I actually worked with a woman who did exactly that. Yes, it was somewhat bold and it makes a statement. What that statement is may vary on the viewer. Again, it's art and beauty is in the eye of the beholder, blah, blah, blah. I found it a bit empowering because it's beautiful, full of color, depth and some folks may want to hide their children's eyes. I saw the Vagina Monologues and I'm better for it. I've even looked at my vagina in a mirror and I'm not ashamed to admit it. As women, we should find beauty, power, pleasure and release in this our most sacred place.

Now all that being said, I most likely will not keep this profile pic up for long. I get bored easy and will find something different depending on my mood. I just thought that I would comment on my choice, besides it was fun to write the word "vagina" several times this beautiful Monday morning.


Victoria Alt said...

Sheesh, I wouldn't have seen that without the explanation. Mind you, I've been writing gay erotica for most of the day so anything vagina-related never even entered my mind.

Annalis said...

Thank goodness, after K.D.'s comment I thought my entire post was a bust.

bust, bust, bust

Hmmm, not the same, but still fun.

Hill Billy Rave said...

I don't mean to invade on Girl territory, but, it screams Vagina. More power to you.

Annalis said...

Hi A.I. - Thanks for stopping by and thanks.

Seeker - Really? I overshot my expectations.

Zombie - I know, it's a great word. I recommend you say it at least once a day.

Anonymous said...

vagina is a great word,i'd like to use it once a day