Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Meet Me

Meet me. Now. Meet me at the beach, yes, you know the spot. The spot under the pier. Where it’s private and no one can find us. I’m wearing the little black dress, no shoes, toes painted red. Yes, I know you love it. I’ll wear nothing underneath. Please hurry. I’m empty. Bring nothing. Hurry. Hurry. Hurry. Leave your tie in the car. Leave your duties behind. Just simple pleasure. What? No, don’t worry. I'm already waiting. Leave the office now. Right now. Come. To our spot. Fill me up. Take what you need. Now. Now. Now.


Victoria Alt said...

A very beautiful piece of writing, Annalis. Very well done.

Annalis said...

Thank you, K.D.

WDKY said...

I really enjoyed it to. And I nearly bought some Brauer prints a while back - I like the opne you've posted, Anna. There's a story there, isn't there?

Anonymous said...

you're such a tease.. ;-P

WoodChuck said...

Your writing is distinctly and uniquely femanine. It's an invitation. It's openess. It's strong yet vulnerable. It's sensual. Definitely stirs the masculine soul.

Anonymous said...

First pics of yourself now this,my imagination is running wild on how great you would look on the beach

Annalis said...
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Annalis said...

WDKY - Thank you. I love this Brauer print. It's the look on her face and the arch in her back that draws me.

Anon - A little teasing is good for the soul.

Chuck - Thank you! What an amazing compliment.

Anon - Well, glad I was able to stir your imagination. That's a compliment in itself.

Mad Munkey said...

I hope someone was actually the recipient of this.