Tuesday, December 20, 2005


i stand over you
you're on your knees, head down in supplication
your body trembles with the need to be dominant
i watch the sweat trickle down your muscular back
this exchange of power is a heady thing
i touch your chin and lift your face to mine
i see lust and vulnerability in your eyes
i want your touch
your mouth
i lift my leg over your shoulder
without words you take
control, power, dominance


WoodChuck said...

Very sensual, Annalis.

If you have me blogrolled I changed my address to wuzupchuck.blogspot.com.

Annalis said...

Thank you, Chuck. I've updated my link. :)

WDKY said...

Mmmmm... very sexy, and very evocative. I'm thinking you'd be interesting company, Anna!

Zoozan said...

you're very good at evoking images

Her Daddy's Eyes said...

Can we have some more of that? ;)


Annalis said...

WDKY - Right back at you, to bad we have so many miles between us.

Zoozan - Thanks, I really enjoy writing these little scenes.

Eyes - I wanted to leave a bit to the imagination...

Christiane said...

Yum. Remind me sometime to direct you towards my super secret second blog . . .

TJ said...

Excellent post, and again so powerful with the just the perfect amount of words...

Have a happy holiday...

Annalis said...

Miss Smartee Pants - I'm reminding you now...

TJ - Thank you and Happy Holidays.

Zombie - Merry Christmas to you.

Earth Rooster said...

Very nice! This writing reminds me of another person I read. Must be the situation that you are both in...

Have a very Merry Christmas! (With the kids and family, not the soon to be ex).

Annalis said...

Thanks, Earth Rooster. I hope you have a Merry Christmas too.