Friday, December 09, 2005

Why Bother?

I spent a good part of my day yesterday shopping. I took the kids to see Santa. This was the first year neither cried about being forced into the arms of a very scary stranger in red with an odd looking scraggly beard. Oh, and let's not forget to look at the camera and smile kids. Thankfully, they actually enjoyed themselves this year. Who knew that a visit to Santa could turn your usually loving child into a blood curdling screaming ball of terror. That, my friends, was not in the Parent 101 Handbook.

After my shopping spree, I came home and wanted nothing more than a beer, but was forced back out into the elements. I had a dentist appt. I almost canceled, but knew I was only prolonging the agony by doing so. I mustered all my will and went. Now as you may tell, I am not a fan of said dentist. In fact, I loathe the dentist. I'm not sure why, oh maybe it's because I dislike pain. Hmmmmkay. Sitting in the torture chair while someone sticks sharp objects into my gums is not my idea of a good time. Plus, I have to get the ol' are ya flossing speech every time. Sweet Christ, I'm just going to lie and the dentist knows it so why even ask??? Like I said, all part of the torture. I didn't have any cavities. Yeah, small miracles.

On a positive note, I did buy a candle. The type of candle that you can let burn all the time and won't burn down the house. I am using the candle to remind me that there are people out there who are not as fortunate as am. To be thankful for what I have and to remember those who can't be with their family during this holiday season. When I see this candle out of the corner of my eye, I'll be reminded and that gives me peace.


eleKtrofly said...

i like the part about the candle. there is something very sacred even in the 21st century about a candle burning in the window.

especially in the wintertime.

i want to post links to other blogs on mine but can't quite figure out how it's done.

Annalis said...

Elektrofly, hi and thanks for stopping by. Will you be putting a candle out too?

Zombie - Yeah, you can't blame them for freaking out. It still freaks me out sometimes especially if their costumes are all ratty. Yick!

Zoozan said...

Nice thought Annalis, especially at this time of year it's good to be reminded of how much we have. Peace is precious

WoodChuck said...

We got the photos out last weekend and had good laughs looking at the Santa reactions over the years. The first ones...UTTER TERROR... but now much enjoyed. You'll enjoy them...later.
Good candles rock. Not that I'd own up to that sentense to the guys I hang around. But we have a master candle maker down the street from us and he does incredible work.

Annalis said...

Zoozan - yes, peace is precious and easily forgotten during the day to day stuff.

Zombie - Alright, I'll bite. What's "furries"?

Hey Chuck - I guess time heals all wounds. ;)

WDKY said...

Lovely sentiment, Anna. Not the dentist, or the psycho Santa - the candle, I mean. I'm usually surrounded by them at night (that sounds weird) but I always find them kind of... spirtual.

I've decided that I'm rambling strangely. I'm goin to stop now.

Annalis said...

Zombie - Eeew. I guess I asked for that mental picture. Thanks!