Monday, January 23, 2006

My weekend was a whirlwind. Spent Saturday evening in the emergency room. Anyone with children can relate to this experience. Luckily, everything turned out fine. Oh, except for me, the mother, who was so stressed out after the event I wanted to curl up in the fetal position and whimper for a couple of hours.

On Sunday, I spent a couple of hours with my soon to be ex's family. Haven't been able to cut that tie and I'm not sure I want to. It isn't exactly relaxing spending time with them. They all know what's going on, but we all pretend everything is normal. Stressful that.

Oh, and it's Monday and I wanted a couple of days off to make up for my less than stellar weekend. Didn't get it. So, here I am whining to you. Forgive me.


ArtfulDodger said...

Get it out, get it all out, that's what we're here for! :) Big hugs.

Annalis said...

Thanks, AD. I feel better already!