Dear Readers (all three of you) I hope you enjoy the below list. I apologize in advance if your eyes begin to bleed from boredom. Just move on the the next blog quickly.
1. I was born in 1969.
2. I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah
3. I was baptized into the LDS/Mormon Church.
4. I’m not religious. My mom was Mormon and felt we had to be baptized even if we never practiced. I never understood or agreed with this decision.
5. I lived in five different states before I turned seven. Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky, California. I only remember 2.
6. I disliked school. My second grade teacher was named Ms. Graves and it fit. She scared the shit out of me.
7. I do regret not taking school more seriously. It was easy and I breezed through it.
8. I was eight when I had my first kiss. Boys chased me endlessly and I hated it.
9. My fourth grade teacher played the guitar and sang Jim Croce songs to us everyday and I still remember all the words to the songs.
10. I was painfully shy.
11. I had my first boyfriend when I was in sixth grade. We hardly ever spoke to each other. It lasted a couple of weeks. I met him again when I was in my 20’s and gave him my number. He never called.
12. I shoplifted make-up once and my mom caught me. I never did it again.
13. The first time I drank alcohol I was 15 and it was gin. Still hate gin.
14. Lost my virginity when I was 16. We were in the living room and my parents were home. I did not enjoy it.
15. Used to sneak my boyfriend into my bedroom through the window at night. He would stay all night and my parents never caught us.
16. When I decided to go on the pill my mom refused to go with me to the doctor. I went alone to Planned Parenthood. She told me later she regretted this decision and apologized for not supporting me.
17. I never had an abortion, but I had 5 friends who did all under the age of 18.
18. I went to the Prince, Purple Rain, concert twice and wore the purple scarf I bought at the concert for 2 weeks to school.
19. My friends and I would play hooky from school and drink our parents alcohol. Once we put it in baby bottles to sneak it out of the house. This was wrong on so many levels.
20. I got my first job at the age of 15 at a party supply store. This was a little slice of hell.
21. My first car was a 77 Toyota Corolla. Metallic brown with funky tints. It cost $1600 and my dad bought it although I had to pay him back.
22. I have been in 5 car accidents. Only one was my fault and luckily, I was never hurt.
23. Damn, this list is boring.
24. My boyfriend in high school cheated on me repeatedly including a couple of my friends and I stayed with him for 5 years.
25. This same boyfriend slashed all my tires and keyed “Bit” into my car. He was caught so he couldn't complete “Bitch”. We called this car the “Bit” car forever.
26. This same boyfriend called me two years later and I met him for a drink. We slept together. He had a girlfriend he was living with at the time. I knew this, but slept with him anyway. Very trashy of me and I regret this. I was also reminded that he was never good in bed.
27. My first truly satisfying (I had many average experiences) sexual experience with a man was when I was 25. The sex was great to bad he turned out to be crazy.
28. I was married at age 27.
29. A mother at the age of 30.
30. I have two beautiful children.
31. I went back to work after the kids were born.
32. I am not the stay at home type. I would go insane slowly.
33. I never cheated on my ex.
34. I enjoy watching porn, reading erotica, being tied up, blindfolded and dominated in the bedroom. My ex never could satisfy this need.
35. The older I get the more I enjoy sex.
36. Still believe I will meet someone who can be a best friend, soul mate, vanilla on the outside and kinky behind closed doors.
37. I like my job and my boss.
38. I once quit a job by telling my manager I had a death in my family and would not be able to return. I know bad karma.
39. I am currently addicted to blogging. Why do I like to read about other people’s lives or opinions? It boggles the mind. I'm disappointed when no one comments on a post I write. Yes, I’m pathetic.
40. I love playing Boggle.
41. I love to gamble. No slot machines, just tables.
42. I live three hours away from Nevada. Unless it’s snowing and then it can take 7 hours to get there, but I’ve done it.
43. Lake Tahoe is one of my favorite places.
44. I want to live in San Francisco, I just can’t afford it.
45. I don’t like to cook.
46. I don’t do drugs, but I like to drink.
47. I love to dance. The sweaty, crowed, with a DJ in a Club kind of dancing.
48. I love to read and will read just about anything. I would rather read than watch TV.
49. I will never tell my family I have a blog.
50. Annalis is not my real name, but all of the above is true.