Thursday, October 27, 2005


Independence can be extremely freeing or very limiting. I am fiercely independent. Why? I got burned, badly. I didn’t know it at the time, but this experience would change my life. It was a subtle change but profound.

I have always been very proud of my independence. I could never understand my girlfriend’s decision to give up everything and depend solely on their spouses or partners. It was baffling. What if they were left with nothing?

Now that I’m older I also appreciate how my fierce independence has become limiting. Has this affected my relationships? You bet. Haven’t had a successful one yet. It comes down to trust and control. Sometimes, I envy those women who trusted enough to completely change their lives. They at least were willing to take a risk. I don’t know if I can let my guard down, but maybe I will find a happy balance. If not, I’ll always have me.


The Seeker said...

I doubt my blog will appeal to you, but just wanted to say hi.

VFW said...

It is a matter of giving up a bit of control in order to gain more in the end. It's not easy though. But it is definatly worth it. Each person has his or her own talents. Putting those to use in a relationship makes all the difference. Love your blog. I read it often.

Annalis said...

Seeker - Hi and you are wrong. I loved your blog. I just killed a couple of hours reading it. Sweet Christ. Enough said.

Roy - Thanks!