Sunday, December 17, 2006


This holiday season has been odd. Not bad or tough really, just odd. I haven’t been single in a long time and holidays can be stressful regardless of what your marital status may be…but this time around I find that I’m excited yet also filled with a bit of trepidation. Carrying the weight of Christmas for the kids is a bit rough at times. Yes, I know their Dad has a tree and presents and all that, but that does little to make this easier. I have this feeling of ‘it won’t be good enough’. Can I give them a fantastic Christmas with memories and traditions all alone? Will they grow up thinking back on all the things that ‘crazy mom’ made them do? Like ‘crazy mom’ made us sing Christmas carols in a circle around the tree until we were horse and then forced us to eat her cookies, which all resembled decapitated reindeer and snowmen. Blech…Wish me luck oh and the kids too.

I’d like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday! I hope all of your traditions and cookies (if applicable) are just perfect or at least edible.



Trouble said...

I hope your holidays were wonderful.

kris said...

Just found you -- here's hoping the holidays went well -- and that the new year starts off beautifully!

Annalis said...

STB~ Thank you so much. Um, is it wrong to be glad the holidays are over?

Kris ~ Thank you for stopping by and I wish you a happy New Year as well.