Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Spread thin and exposed, exhaustion and frustration take over.
Easy to slip into self-doubt and indecision.
Weakness is exposed and open for all to judge.
Little things become mountains to conquer.
This is the price I pay for my mistakes.

Will I rise above the insurmountable?
Eventually, I am certain.
I will be changed and will learn to find pleasure through discontent.
Care to join me?


Anteros said...

Last week I would have joined you without hesitation, this week however is much better. You'll get through it! *hug*

Kent said...

I hear you. Let's go gambling.

Annalis said...

Ant - Thank you! Yes, I will get through it. Some days are rougher than others and I was having a doozy yesterday.

Kent - Sounds fantastic!

WDKY said...

Love to. Only I can't.

Babe, we're all human and we all make mistakes. Life goes on nevertheless, and they fade into insignificance as we carry on making new ones. Welcome to the game of life x

The Seeker said...

Pleasure in discontent. Hmmm

ArtfulDodger said...

Oh my, you just summed up my week perfectly.